The Joy of Spring

Spring is the season that transitions nature from the bareness and sleepiness of winter to the fullness of summer in the northern hemisphere. When days get longer, increasing hours of daylight and bringing warmer temperatures. Since moving to Cornwall, I noticed how much earlier we see spring springing into action here. Being further south and closer to the sea brings warmer and more moderate weather conditions, encouraging life within earth to start waking and get growing.

On todays walk, I didn't just see plants breaking through the ground but early flowers flowering like the snow drops, primroses, daffodils and even some wild garlic flowers. When I see life emerging in mid-winter, it always brings me a burst of joy and I always seem to ask myself the question 'when the heck is spring'? So if, like me, you ask the same question, here are a few facts about the ways humans mark this beautiful season:

  • Imbolc is the celtic festival that marks the start of spring on the 1st February in the celtic calender. It is the half way point between winter solstice and spring equinox and acknowledges when the earth starts warming up and the seeds within her start stirring and growing.

  • Meteorological spring starts on the 1st March and ends in May and is based on the annual temperature cycles and other meteorological information.

  • Astronomical spring starts on 20th March (which is the spring equinox) and is determined by where the earth is in orbit in relation to the sun. It runs until the 21st June.

  • Phenological spring begins when the conditions are right and is determine by biological indicators such as flowering plants, insects or arrival of migratory birds. It is natures calendar and this varies due to seasonal variations in temperatures and environmental changes.

For me here in Cornwall, spring is definitely springing and it is bringing me joy, comfort and nourishment. As I wander and witness life stirring this February, as I see plants waking up, breaking through, flowering and doing their thing freely and unapologetically, I notice the gentle prompt within and without to do the same...

Happy Imbolc! May this season of spring, whenever it starts, bring you life.


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Introducing 'Foraging for the Soul': Beginning with some wisdom in the winter woods.