
Anna curates, write and records audio meditations for everyday mystics and spiritual seekers, those who are learning how to be human, imperfect and enough, accepting our innate goodness and opening ourselves up to the Divine Mystery.

Anna writes the ‘contemplations’ for Nomad Podcast, to hear more guided meditations like these below, sign up to Patreon via the Nomad Podcast website here.

Anna Robinson Anna Robinson

Ode to Rest

A written reflection on rest and practising giving ourselves permission to rest as if our lives depended on it.

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Anna Robinson Anna Robinson

Julian of Norwich

In this episode Anna Robinson leads us in a meditation that explores the spirituality of the remarkable 14th Century mystic Julian of Norwich.

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Some feedback on her work:


“I love your contemplations and listen to them almost daily. If I am having a bad day or stressful day I find myself listening to them one after the other. Very healing”

— Liselle


“So beautiful... and a perfect way to start the day... Thank you for sharing your gentle gifts in this way Anna.”


“I am very grateful for the Contemplations - I listened to my first one this morning and did not expect to find it such an emotional experience. These are certainly something I will now build into my spiritual practice.”

“I found a healing in the contemplation that I had not expected or known I needed. I am very grateful”

“These meditations are so comforting and beautiful”