Ode to Rest

May you give yourself permission to rest a while.

To be at ease.

To breathe.

May you give yourself permission to simply be,

To refrain from doing,

And know your being is enough.

May you give yourself permission to notice

With compassion and curiosity.

Any resistance to rest.

May you give yourself permission to accept,

How you are, who you are

And where you are.

May you give yourself permission to love,

To take care good care of yourself

So you can love more.

May give yourself permission to sense

Touch. Feel. Listen. Hear. Smell. Taste, look and see.

Let your senses bring you back to yourself.

May you give yourself permission to lie fallow.

To settle, undisturbed.

To rejuvenate and renew.

May you give yourself permission to waste time creatively,

To refresh doing nothing,

To restore in rest.

May you give yourself permission to pause.

To reawaken to your own soul,

Rediscover what makes you come alive.

May you give yourself permission to rest a while.






Lye fallow

Waste time creatively


As if your life and all life depends on it.

Anna Robinson


Ode to Love in the ordinary & everyday


Julian of Norwich