Faith Shift/Deconstruction Group
Anna Robinson Anna Robinson

Faith Shift/Deconstruction Group

Going through a shift in faith, a deconstruction, a re-examining and re imaging of a held belief system, can be painful, scary, disorientating and often isolation. You may have left a church or still be in a church, all are welcome to join these groups. Everyone’s experience is different and each one is valid and sharing our experiences can be helpful and freeing and we can feel less alone in the unravelling process.

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Some feedback from the groups:


“A space to think about things at a deeper level and in a more forward looking way - rather than just 'here are my less-than-positive experiences.”

“It's been very helpful to think about issues relating to faith with a group who have had a relatable journey.”

“I appreciate having space to say, 'what do I want belonging/ identity etc to mean to me in the future?' – it gives a space to start framing that proactively.”

“It's been so good to have a space to share experiences with people who understand, where we have common ground, heaps of empathy and a carefully curated space where everyone gets to share as much as they are comfortable with and validate each others' experiences and offer support.”

“I really loved the moments of quiet, listening to a poem and breathing out, resetting and letting my body adjust to the environment before and after chatting. Thank you.”

Get in touch.

To hear more about Faith Shift/Deconstruction Groups, please get in touch here.