Lent - Challenging the Negativity Bias.

I Anna, give myself permission this next 6 weeks of Lent to;

  • Be kind to myself when in struggle.

  • Remember I am not alone.

  • Notice love in and around me.

  • Contemplate the good, beautiful and kind, no matter how small, in the ordinary and everyday of my life.

  • Practice gratitude for the good.

Let me explain!

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the six weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Traditionally a time when people fast and pray.

I felt prompted to use this time to tune more deeply into all that is good in daily life. As it says in the book of Genesis, 'God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' At Easter I am reminded that Christ chose love no matter what the world threw at him. That love was for everyone, no matter what. That love is stronger than fear. That love awakens and revives.

But this is easier said than done however, as the negativity bias can hinder our process. Rick Hanson describes it like this:

'the brain is like Velcro for negative experiences but Teflon for positive ones.' Psychologytoday.'

So we are wired to notice the negative more readily and to dwell on these negatives too www.verywellmind.com . So I embrace this gentle and loving nudge over Lent, to notice when I am in fear/worry or negative thinking and use it as an opportunity to practice self compassion, as I have learnt from Dr Kristin Neff. She breaks down self compassion into following three components:

  • Self Kindness v judgement

  • Common humanity v isolation

  • Mindfulness v over identification.

So to tune into all that is good in my daily life, I have written myself the above permission slip, to challenge the negativity bias and to see the Love.


Faith sift


The Old, the Now and the Not Yet...