Meditation as an Axe

Meditation been an essential tool in my life from an early age, before I knew it as meditation. I recently compared it to an axe, that sharped edged tool that helps you survive in the wild. Like an axe, meditation has cleared space for me to grow; split truth I could graft into my life or use as kindling to light fires; created shelters; cut through briars. A tool that has enabled me to survive and thrive through life’s up’s and downs.

My first experience of meditation was being in nature, slowly wandering and noticing. Listening to the rustle of leaves, a cry of buzzard. Feeling the air on my skin, or texture of stone. Smelling the scent of blossom or wild garlic under foot. Climbing and sitting in trees. Here I began to learn a language that spoke through my body and senses, straight to my heart and soul. My heart rate slowed and I discovered a kind presence within and without, that was kind and loving that I became more aware of in wild spaces. A presence, that over time, became more and more familiar, a sanctuary, a place of safety and inspiration. In the company of which I felt free; known and loved. I felt more me and more at peace with myself and able to navigate the world. So I kept returning, opening myself up to this loving Presence that spoke to me through nature of goodness, beauty and truth.

I understand meditation as a way of helping me to soften and become more aware of my body and soul, in the present moment and to be open to the Divine or Sacred within and beyond me. It shows me where the life is and where to find sanctuary and connection. It all started with the meditative practice of wandering in nature, learning to just be, to slow down and notice…I draw on many meditation tools these days but this is where it began.

Meditation has been an axe for me, to keep me alive and learning to thrive in the wild. It has introduced me to a loving Presence that cannot be contained by man, walls, robes, hierarchy or statements on paper…

I have found this Presence to be everywhere for everyone at anytime… we just need some tools to help us become aware of it’s continuous nourishment, shelter, warmth and welcome.


Why I Mark the Spring Equinox.


Divine Baby…