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At the Threshold

In the Celtic calendar, Winter signifies the beginning of the year and Spring begins on the first of February, the midway point between the longest night and the balance of light and dark. This retreat will be drawing on the theme of thresholds. Irish poet and philosopher John O Donohue wrote ‘A threshold is not a simple boundary: it is a frontier that divides two different territories, rhythms and atmospheres’. It takes courage and a deep trust in the goodness within and without as the new and unknown unfolds.

This retreat is for those on a faith shifting journey, who perhaps no longer fit where they once belonged and/or find themselves in a liminal space, moving from a need for certainty to an embrace of mystery. Take some time to slow down, be still, notice and listen… to your soul, to nature, to another and to the Divine within you and beyond you.

Anna Robinson is a host on Nomad Podcast. She curates space for meditation and contemplation, reflection and thoughtful exploration for spiritual seekers, sojourners and nomads on the faith shifting and re-imaging journey. She finds her roots in the mystical and contemplative traditions of Christianity.

Participant Feedback:

“A really gentle and safe facilitation with lots of time and space given to ponder and wonder”.

“Gentle, restful, open ended, kind, respectful and relaxing”.

“Time to slow down and be guided without judgment”.

“A safe space to explore shifting faith and life without agenda and very open”.

“Great for anyone experiencing a faith shift or moving towards a wider breath of faith. Great for anyone curious to experience new ways of finding meaning within faith or without”.

“An exploration of the different spiritual approaches offered by contemplation and the Celtic tradition of Christianity. A chance to connect to the Divine through nature.”.

“Beautiful grounds to explore nature and space to be”.

“A place where you are accepted just as you are to explore, question and discuss and ponder alone and with others”.

“This is a retreat that honours individuals and diversity of experience. No dogma, praying, preaching, or tyring to convert anyone to believe anything. Just a gentle, non-judgemental, friendly space to be held in love and acceptance. A real space to find yourself again”.

“A very helpful time to explore contemplation and faith shifting and openness to different ways of thinking and being”.

“Gentle approach to meditation and contemplation from a depth of experience. Allowing hope and honest contributions from participants in a safely held space, providing invaluable inter connections.”

“Being in such a beautiful parkland and gardens was such a gift…I loved walking outside and enjoying the surroundings”.

“A highlight was walking through the woods freely, knowing that it was a safe space to be and the beauty and extent of the estate”.

What participants said about Anna:

“Anna facilitated superbly, sensitive to the wide and varied worldviews within the group and energy levels”.

“Warm, open, honest and light. She held a safe space for us all which supported honest sharing”.

“Brilliant. The session were stimulating and by being herself she also created an atmosphere of acceptance, peace and welcome”.

“Anna’s gentle leadership, which creates a safe space with a lack of judgement, with permission given to be who I am in the place I am and the same for everyone”.

“I was aware how skilfully Anna held the group, honouring and valuing every contribution, holding and listening to pain as well as joy - I enjoyed being led into meditations and exploring contemplations”.

“A safe person to listen and be with for anyone who is experiencing shifting faith”.

“A wonderful facilitator. I felt heard, safe, and cared for. Anna’s humility, humour and acceptance shone through”.

“Love her bursts of bubbliness and down to earth sense of humour. Great wisdom and insight. Well researched and things were backed up by wonderful references from various authors and mystics”.

To book onto the retreat please go to the Ashburnham Place website and book through the retreat centre. Thank you :-)

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