Mary’s strength: courageous vulnerability

I imagine how Mary would have felt that first advent, once she become ‘scandalously’ pregnant out of marriage, after the angel delivered the news that she would give birth to baby Jesus. Her safe existence that comes from ‘fitting in’, by doing the ‘done’ or ‘right’ thing, soon to disappear. I imagine the shock and joy to be chosen to carry the Son of God coupled with the human reality of being young and put in a very vulnerable position. At best misjudged and gossiped about, at worst, stoned to death.  In her book Daring Greatly, Brené Brown describes vulnerability as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure." This was Mary’s path as soon as she said ‘yes’ to God.

We often see Mary portrayed as meek and mild, sitting ‘perfectly’ still and gazing lovingly into her baby’s eyes. Static and silent. Elizabeth Frinks sculpture of the ‘Walking Madonna’ shows a different side to this women. It shows Mary, in her later years, striding, moving with purpose, her arms and legs visible under her clothes, the texture of her skin and shape of her veins, the movement of her body. She maybe slight yet you can see the strength in her posture and muscles and the steady determination in her movement and gaze.

What do you see when you look at the image below?

I consider what wisdom she must have had, what she must have seen and witnessed in her life, what stories she could tell us, yet we hear nothing of this is the scriptures even though she is present throughout.

But we do hear her brave ‘yes’ to the angel. We hear her spontaneous song when she meets with Elizabeth, known as the Magnificat…Where she praises her God who scatters the proud, brings down the powerful, lifts up the lowly, fills the hungry with good things and sends the rich away empty. Brave and bold words to be spoken out by a women under a brutal occupation.

I believe Mary to be a courageous lover of the marginalised and oppressed, just like her son. A lover of those who need protection, warmth and care. She sees through all through eyes of love. She sees those who are not seen. And I see Mary with her sleeves are rolled up. Her hands dirty. Her heart open. Showing up. Especially when it’s hard and painful. I think of her under the cross at Jesus’ crucifixion…"Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. It's not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage" Brené Brown.

Have you ever had to walk a path because it aligned with your heart and values, yet also left you feeling unsafe and unsure in new terrain emotionally, spiritually, physically?

Have you ever said yes to love and been thrown into uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure?

I imagine Mary understanding how you feel and championing you on.

Keeping going. You are seen and loved.

It takes courage and it is strength.

It is not the easy path. But it is the path of life.

And you are in good company.


A Mid Winter Pause…


I am the entire ocean…