A Mid Winter Pause…

Winter Solstice

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we have made it to winter solstice. The longest night - the shortest day.

Consider what the darkness means to you?

We have journeyed through our daily lives with less and less sunlight since summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night.

Can you think back to this time of light and warmth and all that has happened in your life since then? …

Acknowledge what has been, what do you want to celebrate and give thanks for?…

Our pagan and Celtic ancestors would have celebrated this solstice, also known as ‘Mid-winter’, when the sun pauses in her tracks, as if something beyond us is prompting us all to take notice…

Pause and Notice

Pausing and noticing has become a spiritual practice for me. A tiny habit, which allows me, if only for a brief moment, to become more conscious of my surroundings, my feelings, my body, my soul, my impact. To notice my inner state, how focused or distracted, peaceful or agitated I am moving through the world.

Pause and welcome yourself into this moment, without judgement and much kindness, notice your inner state now…

Become present

When I pause, I am invited back into the present moment. Into the here and now, not the past or the future but into this current reality. I consider how Jesus reflected back to one of his most dedicated followers, that they had become distracted and concerned by many things and that only one thing really mattered.

What really matters in life?

In Luke (10:40), Jesus goes on to draw attention to another way of being in the world (other than to being scattered, distracted, agitated, irritated, hassled, irked etc). He points out that one of his followers was embodying a better way in that moment. I think they were being fully present to love.


I think Jesus was encouraging his disciples to be present and attentive to love. To notice where the life is and allow love to inform, guide, inspire, connect and heal us. To bring us all home to ourselves, to the Divine, to others and the earth. To draw out the love within.

This Mid Winter, in the dark, I chose to remember that I am loved and always welcome. To remember I am made of love, by love, for love, to love. Like every living being. Love is at the heart of us all.


The tide is turning on the year, the darkness is about to recede and the light is returning. I invite you now to pause and notice at Mid-winter :

  • Take a moment to welcome the darkness within you and around you.

    What gifts does the darkness offer?

    What do you need to release as you journey towards lightness?

  • Take a moment to welcome the light within you and around you?

    What is highlighted that you are grateful for?

  • What is your deepest intention for this next season?

    What seed(s) would you like to plant in the womb of winter, that can grow into 2023?

  • Where can you show love, kindness or compassion today?

    Where can you bring life?

    Winter Solstice love to you :-)


Divine Baby…


Mary’s strength: courageous vulnerability